If President Obama Can, You Can To

It's been floating around the news that President Obama has quit smoking. Many people feel that this isn't really "news." While that can be debated, I think it does give encouragement for people trying to quite smoking. If the President of the United States can quite smoking, you can too!

Lets examine why people smoke. Among other reasons, a lot of people smoke to relieve stress or cope with things in life. I don't think any of us have a job as stressful as the President of the United States, if he can deal with all that comes with his position without cigarettes, you can too.

Now, I've never smoked cigarettes, so I can't speak first hand about the addictive nature they have, but as we move towards the era of New Years Resolutions, if you are resolving to quite smoking, I encourage you whole-heartedly. :-D


  1. i was wondering when he'd quit. he promised his wife he would when he won the presidency. hehe.

  2. Hey im a new follower from Guinnandbareit.blogspot
    I found you through the blog hop!
    This was a really interesting post mainly cause i have yet to hear about it but also because i agree it is news, a nice achievement. Im trying to get my hubs to stop and it is not easy.

  3. Hello! I’ve hopped from Meg’s Mingle blog hop and landed on your great blog. Nubby and I don't smoke but my son does...he tried to quit last year but failed after three days. I'm going to read him this post...maybe it'll work. Thank you anyway! I am your newest follower/fan.
    Please drop by and maybe follow me if you fancy a laugh. I'd be delighted to welcome you.
    Warm wishes for a very happy 2011
    Carol from www.facing50withhumour.blogspot.com Warning I am a vision of the future;)

  4. I am very encouraged by President Obama's strength. It just reassures me that with strength of will and conviction, I can overcome anything.


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